Reuse means added value
Sustainable growth
Reuse is a way to prevent solid waste from going to landfills, improve our communities, and improve the material welfare, education and employement of our citizens by taking useful products thrown out by those who no longer want them and giving them to those who want them. In many cases, reuse programs while providing tax benefits and reduced disposal costs to contributing businesses.
It's important to be aware
That continued growth in reuse efforts, as well as continued interest from the reuse industry, stems in large part from the solid waste reduction hierarchy: Reduce, Reuse, then Recycle. It is best to reduce first, reuse as a second option, then recycle. Reuse is recognized as different from recycling, both in doctrine, and in the handling of materials this unique industry diverts from the waste stream. Recyclers have been successful in keeping materials out of landfills by collecting, separating, processing and making the collected items into new products. Instead, return users, with little or no processing, remove materials from the waste stream by passing on the items they collected to others.

Reusable Means Added Value!
Reusing an item means that the item remains a valuable, useful, productive item, and replaces new items that would use more water, energy, wood, petroleum, and other limited natural resources in their manufacture. Businesses can save a lot of money by reselling or donating items they no longer need. Many chemicals and solvents that are no longer useful to one organization can be used in other applications by other organizations. This “material exchange” method results in savings on disposal by the producing company, and savings on material purchases by the receiving organization. Reuse adds value!.
Reusable Much More Durable

Consumer awareness on Single Use Product is getting better everyday and some people considering Reuseable Straw to reduce the waste stream.